Meet Our Staff!

Evan Strickland
Evan has served in full-time ministry for over 10 years. As Pathway's Evangelist, Evan is committed to communicating the Word of God wholly, accurately and unapologetically, through expository preaching.

Outreach Minister/Elder
Tom Deam
Tom has faithfully served Pathway in many capacities for over 10 years. As Pathway's Outreach Minister, Tom is passionately dedicated to bringing the Gospel of Jesus to the local community through our Celebrate Recovery program, MFI outreach, and community events planning.

Children's Ministry Director
Jessica Deam
Jessica's commitment to accurately communicating the Word of God in an age-appropriate way is evident in her lesson planning, relationship-building, and discipleship of Pathway's youngest members.

Assistant Children's Ministry Director
Ariel Guffey
Ariel passionately assists the CM Director in preparing for and teaching Pathway's growing group of youth.

Administrative Assistant
Kourtney Strickland
Kourtney eagerly serves as Pathway's primary point of contact, managing our front desk, email, and social media presence, while assisting our leadership and staff, organizationally.

Executive Director
Jeff Joseph
As Pathway's appointed Executive Director, Jeff carefully oversees all practical operations and strategic planning to ensure that Pathway operates in accordance with California State Law, as well as directing Pathway's security team, in a volunteer role.

Bill Estes
Elected by Pathway's members, Bill oversees both the spiritual health of individuals, as well as the biblical stewardship of the congregation and its resources, in a volunteer role.

Bill Scales
Elected by Pathway's members, Bill oversees both the spiritual health of individuals, as well as the biblical stewardship of the congregation and its resources, in a volunteer role.

Allan Frisby
Elected by Pathway's members, Allen assists the elders by providing practical and logistical support where necessary, in a volunteer role.

Michael Archie
Elected by Pathway's members, Michael assists the elders by providing practical and logistical support where necessary, in a volunteer role.